Monday, February 23, 2009

Credit Crisis 101

"I don't understand all the Credit Crisis Jargon!"
Watch this video to know what is the Crisis of Credit really?
Click here
Keep the speakers on!

Thanks Himanshu for sharing this...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Discovery -- Sabse Bolo!

Each time I find something interesting over the internet, I've thought I'd share it with as many people I can. More than anything, these discoveries have inspired me to think beyond my "self-created limits". In some way or the other, I've shared such discoveries with my Web-Community!

Today, I am making a new beginning in that area. I'm sure each of us also finds something that interests us and inspires us to "think beyond". I propose to invite ideas over popularizing such inspiring findings. Out of such responses, we shall create a way to let the Web-Community know about each such discovery in the future.


Today I discovered a unique service. I never knew before that something so simple exists and that too FREE!

Discussions, Brainstorming Sessions & Meetings with upto 10 people can now be held at the convenience of your phone with a free Conferencing facility.

Check out
I found the website very user-friendly and informative. No jargon, No gimmiks & No hassles. Brilliant idea!
Do not forget to read the About Us & FAQs

Do post your comments!!